Sunday, June 28, 2009


When i first brong this idea to photograher kutting edge alex, i didnt think he understood the real concept but he said wateva lets see how it turns out, so i brong the outfits he was amaized, thats when he realizes how serious i was about the concept, me playing the actor him being the photographer, as we began to shoot the idea became more interesting, we was able to come up with more ideas after ideas. we both did a great job.. it was very dark and cold that night we didnt have any lighting equipment, so we had to use most of the lights from hes car and also the camera flash.
we still nailed it.. enjoy.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

shooting this pics me and alex drove to different locations to capture a solid concept, while in the process as you can see there were alot of gun flashing, i almost was shot by the police because they didnt know wat was goin on, all they saw was me pointing a gun at a men with a camera lol.. so they jumped out on me lol... thank god they gave me a chance to explain wat was goin on before they actually pulled the trigger... things u do for photos huh?...

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

in this shoot of me getting shot i told alex i brong some fake blood and i wanna pretend that i have been shot, he said huh? mike i dont think thats a good idea but if u want we can try it lol.. but then he became more involved and actually liked it, he was very impressed with my acting.. i nailed it.. he said forget modeling u should try acting lol..

Photobucket Photobucket

Sunday, June 21, 2009

my first blog & shoot with photographer tarrice love

I am proud to post my work with tarrice love as my first ever blog because Tarrice love was one of my favourite photographers i've always wanted to work with, i've followed hes work from time to time with other male models especially models that inspires me as an up and coming model in this modeling business, hes vision and creativity is what seperates his work from other photographers. he is also a very knowlegable photographer, i can sit all day and just listen to tarrice love speak because the informations he provides me with is not just about the modeling business but just about life in general. we all need to meet honnest and forward people like mr. tarrice love and i deeply appreciate him for all hes done for the african american models in this industry, he refused to sell hes soul for some attention and i would like to say thank you mr. love.



I have never met a shy photographer, they tend to be very sharp and funny, especially mr. love although he gave me a little bit of a hard time the first time we spoke on the phone, i pronounced hes name wrong and i have an accent lol, he was kind of quiet he listened to me speak so i was thinking to myself maybe i was talking too much idk lol...


am just an inpired young man goin through life challenges and trying different activities in life to see which benefits my one time life opportunity.


this is why am always late for work lol naa am kiddin things you do in front of the mirror when ur bored tho lol
